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徐汇人力资源培训网提示: 人事上岗证,人力资源管理师报名电话021-65584479 , 13818762608 沈先生



  The promotion and development of performance management processes by HR can make an important contribution to knowledge management, by providing for behavioral expectations which are related to knowledge-sharing to be defined, and ensuring that actual behaviors are reviewed and, where appropriate, rewarded by financial or non-financial means. Performance management reviews can identify weaknesses and development needs in this aspect, and initiate personal development plans, which are designed to meet these needs.

  One starting point for the process could be the cascading of corporate core values for knowledge-sharing to individuals, so that they understand what they are expected to do to support those core values. Knowledge sharing can be included as an element of a competency framework, and the desired behavior would be spelt out and reviewed. For example, positive indicators such as those listed below could be used as a basis for agreeing competency requirements and assessing the extent to which they are met. The following are examples of positive behavior in meeting competency expectations for knowledge-sharing:




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